Patient Participation Group

Quote / Testimonial:

A Patient Participation Group was formed following an inaugural meeting in May 2023. Membership is open to all patients of Ledbury Health Partnership (LHP), with the intention to be representative in age profile of the patient population. The PPG will meet up to six times per year, with intervening meetings of the steering committee. There will also be an open Annual General Meeting. It is intended to form a Virtual Group, in due course. You can forward comments or questions to the PPG either by emailing ideas to [email protected] or submitting your ideas in writing to the reception desk marked for the attention of the PPG.

Non-urgent advice: PPG Aims

– To act as a conduit between patients and LHP – “The Patient Voice”

– To improve the patient experience, by informing the patient population about the recently introduced Integrated Care System and Primary Care Networks, access to out-of- hours services via Herefordshire General Practice (formerly Taurus), and future development plans for the delivery of primary health care.

– To interact with the wider Health and Social Services provision in Herefordshire, and the voluntary sector (Herefordshire Community Partnership).

The PPG cannot become involved with any personal/individual health/medical matters

Join Our PPG

To join our PPG, please complete the sign up form, and then email to [email protected]

  • PPG Chair –  Ray Hunter
  • PPG Vice Chair – David Millington-Jones
  • PPG Secretary (Admin) – Sandra Peate
  • PPG Information Officer – Jayne McGlone–Wright 
  • Committee Members – Mary Fielding, Allen Mawby, Lyn Sugden

The PPG Committee may be contacted by email addressed to  [email protected]

Next PPG Meetings – Wednesday 5th June 2024, 6pm