Meet the Team

General Practitioners

Our GPs care for people with complex medical needs and oversee all clinical work in the practice.

Dr Lisa Carpenter

Dr Samantha Cockayne

Dr Rob Davies

Dr Gill Flewers

Dr Ruth Moon

Dr Gary Smith

Dr Kathryn Turnbull

Dr Verity Wilkins

Dr Liz Bullivant

Dr Amy Wilkins

Dr Camila Rogers

Dr Emily Marlowe

Dr Oliver Ongley

Dr Walter Umeukeje

ST3 Registrar

Advanced Clinical Practitioners

Our team of ACPs come from a range of experienced professional backgrounds, such as nursing and paramedics.

Our ACPs have advanced qualifications, skills and knowledge to care for you if you are suffering with a minor illness or an urgent medical problem.

Emily Burwood

Holly Phillips

Nikki Prior

Shelley Folkes

Nursing Team

The nurses care for people with long term health conditions such as diabetes, asthma and COPD and also
provide general nursing services such as blood tests, blood pressure monitoring, dressings, smear tests,
injections and vaccinations.

Ellianne Phillips

Lead Nurse

Rachel Lamp

Lead Nurse

Kerrie Green

Practice Nurse

Beth Dene

Practice Nurse

Penny Andrews


Mary Burson


Belinda Lopez


Liz Rose


Pharmacy Team

Our practice based pharmacy team are experts in medicines. They can help with reviewing and changing your medicines and dealing with any problems or queries you may have regarding your medicines.

Lisa Middleton

Amy Nicholson

Saba Bakathir

Remote Pharmacist

Practice Management

The Practice Management Team oversee and develop the work at Ledbury Health Partnership. They ensure that the practice runs efficiently for patients, and that the clinical and non-clinical staff have the support they need.

Catherine Simonini

Practice Manager

John Huggins

Operations Manager

Bio-Medical Scientist

John Auld

Allied Professionals

We also have a variety of allied health professionals on hand to provide expert care when needed including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, a social prescriber, frailty team, dementia team, community palliative care team and district nursing team.