NHS Vaccinations

Our Nursing Team offer a number of different types of vaccinations, whether this is part of the NHS vaccination schedule that starts with your childhood vaccinations or vaccination against Seasonal Influenza, Pneumococcal and Shingles.

Vaccinations are the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases. Children are offered a variety of vaccinations by the NHS from the age of 2 months.

The Practice Nurses run a clinic for the immunisation of children from 2pm every Wednesday afternoon. Please telephone the practice to book an appointment and check for availability.

Children’s Vaccination Schedule

Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a condition that is caused by reactivation of the chickenpox virus.  

Shingles tends to occur more often in older people and usually causes a painful rash on one side of the body.  

As older people are more likely to get shingles, the new national shingles immunisation programme for people aged 70 to 79 has been introduced by the Department of Health from September, to help protect those most at risk from shingles.

Further Information

Flu (also known as influenza) is a highly infectious illness caused by the flu virus. It spreads rapidly through small droplets coughed or sneezed into the air by an infected person.  

For most people, flu is unpleasant but not serious. You will usually recover within a week. Studies have shown that flu vaccines provide effective protection against the flu, although protection may not be complete and may vary between people. Protection from the vaccine gradually decreases and flu strains change over time. Therefore, new vaccines are made each year and people at risk of flu are encouraged to be vaccinated every year.

The flu vaccination is offered to people in at-risk groups. These people are at greater risk of developing serious complications if they catch flu, such as those with a long term condition, pregnant women and elderly people.

Further Information

If you match any of the criteria listed below you are eligible to receive a vaccination against Pneumonia at the Surgery free of charge:
– Over 65
– Suffer from a chronic condition such as: COPD, severe asthma, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease, chronic heart disease
– Immunosuppressed (undergoing chemotherapy, being treated with systemic steroids, HIV at all stages)
– Asplenic or splenic dysfunction
– Cochlear implants
– Cerebrospinal fluid leaks

If you are asplenic or suffer from splenic dysfunction or chronic kidney disease it is recommended that you receive this vaccination every 5 years to ensure immunity is retained.

Further Information

Tetanus is an infection that can be fatal in the worst cases which is caused by a bacterium that lives in soil and dirt. The bacterium may enter your body if you have a cut or wound in the skin.  

Children are routinely offered the tetanus vaccination as part of the immunisation schedule.  

For more details see the section above entitled ‘Children’s Vaccinations’.

Immunisation against tetanus began in 1961, so there may be adults who have not had the full course of vaccinations so still remain at risk.

Tetanus Vaccination Courses

Primary Course – Three doses of vaccine, each a month apart.
4th Dose – 10 years after Primary Course
5th Dose – 10 years after 4th Dose

The Primary Course of injections offers good protection for a number of years.  

The 4th and 5th dose are boosters to maintain protection.  

After you have received the 5th dose immunity remains for life and you will not need any further tetanus vaccinations.  

Please note the course does not need to be restarted if you miss or delay an injection; a late injection, even years after it was due, is sufficient to catch up. It is common to get a some redness and swelling around the site of injection, but this should go within a few days.  

You should not receive the vaccine if you are unwell with a fever.

Further Information

To be fully immunised against measles, mumps and rubella, you need to have 2 MMR vaccinations.  

These vaccinations are now part of children’s immunisation schedule: the first at 12-13 months and the second at 3 years 4 months.

If you are concerned that your child has not been fully immunised please contact the Surgery who will check the medical records and arrange any appointments with the Practice Nurses.

The vaccine is also being offered to any adults who may not be fully immunised.  

The immunisation schedules have changed several times historically and due to this, depending on the year of you birth, there is a likelihood that you are not fully immunised.

By ensuring that you have had 2 doses of MMR vaccine in your lifetime you are protecting yourself against all 3 diseases.  

If you would like to know your immunisation status, or would like to book in to have the vaccination, please contact Reception who will arrange any necessary appointments and liaise with our Practice Nurses.

Am I fully immunised?
– People born between 1970 and 1980 may only be vaccinated against measles and not mumps and rubella
– People born between 1980 and 1990 may not be protected against mumps
– People over the age of 45 are considered to have immunity; although you are still eligible to receive the vaccine if you should wish to.

Further Information