The Health Visiting Team can offer support to all families that have pre-school children; this could be help with your children’s feeding, crying or ‘poo problems’.
Health visitors are here to offer support throughout your children’s early growth, and emotional and physical development. They could even help with those toddler tantrums!
The team can also offer advice and help if you are ‘feeling low’ or attempting to alter your lifestyle by trying to lose weight or give up smoking. From breast feeding and weaning to immunisations and minor illnesses, the health visiting team is there for you.
To make an appointment contact the team onĀ 01531 637601.
Non-urgent advice: The Five Key Visits
1. When you are around 28 weeks pregnant
2. 10 – 14 days following the birth of your baby
3. When your baby is 6 – 8 weeks old
4. A review of your child’s development at 9 – 12 months
5. A review of your child’s development at 2 – 2 1/2 years.